Understanding Ukraine | Facts & Figures

Annabel and Martin Lubikowski examine some of the main facts and figures about Ukraine and its relationship with Russia. There are two aspects to understanding the current situation. Firstly Ukraine as a nation: its location, economy, natural resources, and wealth potential. Secondly the geopolitical relationship Ukraine has with Russia, which has been influential over centuries.

Annabel looks at Ukraine's area, location, neighbouring countries, coastline access, population, GDP, natural resources, landscape, energy, trade, environmental issues, agricultural advantages and potential. Ukraine has the ability to provide food for 500 million people, maybe more!

Martin discusses Russia's traditional problems: no access to ice-free ports and vulnerability to attack from the western grasslands. Crimea's warm water port is of great value to Russia; it is also largely Russian-speaking due to Stalin's settlement of this area. Russia's foreign policy has always been to control the countries to its west, either by invasion or political influence/interference. Russia has frequently been attacked from the west over the last 500 years, once every 30-50 years on average.

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