philosophy blog
Africana Philosophy Research Group
The word ‘Africana’ refers to Africa and the African diaspora. The word ‘Philosophy’ is construed here widely to include prominent thinkers and all aspects of culture. The group meets once a term and so far we have found the study to be enriching, illuminating and most enjoyable.

The Purifying Power of Practical Philosophy
Mr Donald Lambie explores the power of Practical Philosophy in this fascinating lecture.

Slavery or Freedom? A choice every day of our lives
Classicist Christine Lambie will explain, illustrating the influence on modern thinking of the greatest stoic, Epictetus.

The Annual Language Lecture 2019
Warwick Jessup will explore sound and the Veda as a way to discover deeper levels of reality.
A Search for Truth
If you have ever wondered about the roots of the School, where we started and how, we’ve produced a short film to introduce it.
The film is only seven minutes long and introduces our founder, Leon MacLaren, and the history of the Practical Philosophy that we now share.

Vedic Astrology
Study of Vedic Astrology began at the School some 40 years ago. First a small group studied the Jyotisha Vedanga, a famous …

Philosophy As a Way Of Life
Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them- Marcus Aurelius …
Lectures and Films
Annual Economics Lecture 2021
The Annual Economics Lecture was given by Mr Donald Lambie on Saturday 27th March 2021. The lecture discussed how natural law can lead to a full, free and enjoyable life exploring examples from the Huguenots from France, a Syrian refugee camp, and the London luxury property market.

Sanskrit Live
Click here to view a series of Sanskrit Live videos run by the School's volunteers.