Vedic Astrology
Study of Vedic Astrology began at the School some 40 years ago. First a small group studied the Jyotisha Vedanga, a famous ancient Indian calendar. A copy of the original text was obtained from the British Museum and it was translated from Ancient Sanskrit – not an easy matter! Slowly, our study of Vedic Astrology developed.
The subject is called Jyotisha in Sanskrit, which means the study of light. In Vedic times it was the main science, containing all of mathematics with astronomy as a part of it. These were not thought of as separate sciences then.
Our department made contact with various teachers and Vedic Astrology conferences in the 90s, which had recently started in the USA. We also helped form the first committee of the British Association for Vedic Astrology, which has now been running for 23 years. We are pleased to host its annual conference at the School. When I started in 1993 there were just a handful of websites in existence. Now there are many thousands and it has become a popular subject worldwide.