Economics with Justice Part 3: Responsibility

Regular price £165.00

Enrolment for the Spring Term is now closed, and will re-open soon for the Summer Term beginning in May. Please contact us if you would like to be informed when Summer Term enrolment begins.

Classes are on held  on Wednesday evenings, from 7:00pm - 9:00pm. 

The class will be offered in a hybrid format - it is available to enrol for both in-person and online students in our London School location, at the following address: 11 Mandeville Place, London, W1U 3AJ.
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After completing Economics with Justice Part 2: Ideas recently

Term Dates: 20 January - 29 March 2025

10 weekly sessions

This ten-week course explores our individual and collective responsibilities as human beings in the world. It follows on naturally from the course Ideas – Economics with Justice Part 2.

Responsibility, our ability to respond, is relevant to every aspect of economic relationships with others and with the world in which we live. The course considers what is needed to support this ability to respond, such as understanding, the sense of empathy or interconnectedness, and the extent to which there is recognition of wholeness or unity. This can apply to individuals and to collectives such as communities, nations or even all humankind.

The course progresses with a week-by-week consideration of individual and collective responsibility in various spheres of economic activity.

Direct Debit Payments

Payments by Direct Debit are available with a reduced fee of £150, four monthly instalments of £37.50. To set up a new Direct Debit, please fill in the Direct Debit form and return to our office by Monday 06 January. 

1 Exercising Responsibility

The cuckoo’s nest and the price for not taking responsibility; three-way responsibility-interconnectedness-unity; individual and collective responsibility; examples of truth and honesty.

2 Growth

Need for growth; natural growth; economic growth; national accounts and GDP deficiencies; qualities of growth; responsible growth.

3 Sustainability

Growing awareness of unsustainability; limits to growth; our common future; UN sustainable development goals; system of environmental and economic accounts; throughput; the doughnut; responsible, circular economy.

4 Freedom

Are we free to live sustainably; society’s potential for freedom; human development and freedom; UN human development programme; the opposite - homo economicus; the common law; self-reliance.

5 Trust

Money and trust; the central bank; commercial banks; cash and convenience; cryptocurrencies and trust; spending money into existence and responsibility.

6 Capital and the commons

Definitions of capital; produced capital; natural capital; human capital; social capital; financial capital; the commons; capital and the commons.

7 Wealth and wellbeing

Wealth; wellbeing; beyond GDP; NZ’s wellbeing budget; conflation of produced and financial capital; real wellbeing and real wealth.

8 Who’s responsible?

Conditions at the point of interaction; examples of unjust conditions; changes required; what agencies are involved; encouraging responsibility.

9 Sufficiency and self-reliance

Nature’s provision; needs and desires; dependency; one with life; food; trade.

10 Privilege and responsibility

Unity-interconnectedness-responsibility; course summary; community and individual responsibility; what we share in common.