Introductory Economics with Justice - January 2025

Introductory Economics with Justice - January 2025

Regular price £165.00 Sale price £65.00

This in person course will be offered in our London School location, at the following address: 11 Mandeville Place, London, W1U 3AJ.
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Enrolment for the Spring Term is now closed, and will re-open soon for the Summer Term beginning in May. Please contact us if you would like to be informed when the Summer Term enrolment begins.

To Enrol: (1) Select day and time above - you can attend any of the sessions, just pick your preferred. (2) Click Add to Cart. (3) Checkout. 

Term Dates: 20 January - 29 March 2025

If your preferred session is unavailable, please contact us to be added to a waiting list.

History shows that whenever people work together, they can create great wealth. But for you to get rich do I have to suffer? For me to get rich do you have to be poor? If we both want to prosper can we do it without impoverishing someone else?

But how can we do better? This vital and challenging question is at the heart of our courses. So many of today’s ills spring from the prevailing concept of economics being independent of fairness and morality.

This 10-session course addresses economics as a human subject, the study of relationships between individuals, institutions and communities; based on human values. Hence the importance of what we value, what ethical standing we hold. Each session features a topic presentation designed to encourage discussion and reflection. Come and join us in this fascinating exploration.

10 weekly sessions

Online classes will be held online via Zoom and each one lasts for 75-90 minutes.

Our London in-person course will be two hours but will include a short break for refreshments. 

Choose a day and time from above that suits you. 

The School of Philosophy and Economic Science wants to give everyone the opportunity to discover the value of our courses.  So if you are keen to do the course, but can’t afford the fee, do still enrol and pay what you can afford.  If you are in this situation, please contact the team who will be very happy to make the arrangements.

London In-Person Course Location

11 Mandeville Place London W1U 3AJ

For humanity and planet

If economics is to work for the wellbeing of people and planet, how can we make it sustainable and for all?

  • Where to begin?
  • What economics is … and isn’t
  • Relevance of justice and ethics
  • The doughnut challenge

Economics for family and community

People working with people are stronger for doing so. This is seen in families, communities, organisations, nations and beyond. How is this relevant to economics?

  • Family
  • Aspects of community
  • The Commons
  • Institutions

Economics of real wealth

Wealth means different things to different people and yet is universally desirable. What are the realities of this wealth?

  • Our sense of value
  • Significance of material wealth
  • Where it comes from and goes to
  • A model for wealth

Economics of Nature and resource

Earth with its biosphere supports all economic activity. What is our relationship to it, and what should it be?

  • Human relationship with nature
  • Implications of ownership
  • Private vs common property
  • Economic rent

Economics of work

We all work in some way, perhaps not for pay; we all depend on the result. Why Is work so important?

  • Creativity and effort
  • Its impact on others, and ourselves
  • Working with others
  • Earned and unearned income

Economics of exchange

Exchanging goods and services can enhance collective prosperity and wellbeing. What causes inequitable outcomes?

  • The essentials of exchange
  • Conditions for general prosperity
  • Conditions for inequity
  • Markets and their limits

Economics and trust

Society thrives on trust, exemplified by credit and money. What can make this go wrong?

  • Trust – essential to economic activity
  • Forms of credit
  • Basis for credit
  • Money and it’s supply

Economics and finance

Enterprise needs finance, society needs investment. What is rent seeking?

  • How finance and banking works
  • Financial stability
  • Public vs private
  • The significance of land value

Economics and taxation

Government has power to levy taxation and direct expenditure. How can this power best serve the nation?

  • Purpose and principles
  • Effect of taxation
  • Balancing the budget
  • Economic rent as an alternative

Reflections on economics

This introductory course concludes with reflections on the course so far.

  • Natural principles for sustainability, freedom and prosperity
  • The ethical dimension
  • What next?