Inspiration Day - In Giving We Receive
Sunday 17 November 2024, 9.30am - 4.30pm
Mandeville Place, London
A day of creative thinking, presentations, and practical classes devoted to service - the source of satisfaction.
In Giving We Receive is an Inspiration Day conducted by William Wray devoted to the nature of service.
How in fully meeting the needs that present themselves in our lives, great or small, we are serving not only the need itself but also our essential self.
The day will consist of practical classes to help a fuller understanding in
experience of why, by giving of attention and working with and for other people, we find the source of satisfaction. There are four classes to choose from over three sessions.

Service - A Natural Value to Help Guide Our Life - Paul Palmarozza - Founder of a listed company, author of From Principles to Profit, Ethical Entrepreneur, If I can…Timeless Values for Today.
An interactive session about the nature of service in all areas of life.
Wisdom of the East - Paul and Anthea Douglas - Both of whom
have many years experience in leading the study of Sanskrit texts
within the Sanskrit faculty of the School. An opportunity to sound, study and discuss a passage from the Bhagavad Gita on gaining ultimate satisfaction through service to the Self within.
The Power of Listening - Sherry Moran - Documentary producer/
director, CEO of Tribeca Knowledge -Software Design for
Pharmaceutical Companies. Creative Director of Celebrating Ceramics.
A class devoted to an awareness of the greatest service we can give -
attention and full listening in conversation and with it the awakening of
new possibilities.
A Touch of Colour - Mary Cook - Artist in Watercolour and Oils -
A class exploring how the practice of watercolour painting, which is at
heart colour floating on water, is an opportunity to serve whatever is in
font of you be it a pebble a lemon or a sunset.
There will also be a conversation between Dr Richard Dillon -
Consultant haematologist and clinical senior lecturer in cancer genetics,
one of his patients, William Wray and Dr Mary Dunne -
haematologist. It will provide a clear example of how devotion to
service has such a powerful effect.
Free to all SPES students and £10 for guests.
In order for us to organise the day it would be a great help if you were to book in advance by contacting the SPES office Tel: 020 3287 1443 email: