Free, 7pm - 8pm
Wednesday 15 January 2025
At 11-13 Mandeville Place, London W1U 3AJ
An opportunity to see what our courses are all about, hear students and tutors speak, and ask questions.
Free refreshments served afterwards.
Practical Philosophy - Drawing upon some of the great philosophies of East and West to put life into sharper focus, Practical Philosophy is for people who need some space in the rush of life to find what is truly valuable to them. The emphasis is on experience rather than theory, observation rather than opinion. You are encouraged to test what you hear and then share what you experience.
Economics with Justice - The course draws on modern and ancient understanding to bring economic relationships into a human context. It shows economics as an integral part of the life of every person and community within the Earth’s biosphere. It is for people wishing to make the world a better place.

Practical Philosophy
Monday and Saturday at 10am, and Wednesday at 7pm via Zoom.