What is Calligraphy?
Is Calligraphy an Art? Is it a Hobby? Is it a Craft? Is it a form of Meditation? I cannot guarantee you will ever find an answer to these questions but if you come along to the Horizons calligraphy class you will begin something that can only reward your quest for your true self. To sit with a dozen other calligraphers, in complete silence, where each student is giving full attention to the letter they are drawing is a strangely unifying experience.
As a previous tutor said to me when I was bewailing a careless mistake, “It’s not the writing that matters, it’s the stillness.” Calligraphy is ‘open ended’ and teaches one that although perfection may never be reached the continuing pursuit is paramount.
We begin each session with stillness and a dedication. We finish with a surrender of our work and ourselves.
Limited spaces are available on our Calligraphy course on a Saturday. Enrol now!